Stay Away From These Skincare Products


What you put on your skin matters. At Youthful Infusion Med Spa, we offer Allen, TX area patients medical grade skincare products and treatments. We know there are an overwhelming amount of options on the shelves. We’re here to help you steer clear of products that can harm your skin. You may be doing more harm than good if you’re using some of these popular products. Contact us for a skin consultation today!

Coconut Oil

We know coconut oil is hot stuff. Everyone seems to think it’s a miracle product. It is for some things, but it can actually hurt acne-prone and oily skin. It can clog your pores with the oil base and lead to skin issues. If you have oily skin, coconut oil isn’t a miracle product for you. Instead, we recommend choosing non-comedogenic moisturizing products. We recommend items with fatty acids, hyaluronic acid, and squalene. Check out some of our skinbetter science products with these ingredients. You’ll get gentle moisturizing agents without worrying about breakouts.

Pore Strips

Every teenager a few decades ago would spend the evening in pore strips. They are mainly used to treat blackheads and promise to rip them right off. The problem is that it isn’t as simple as that. Clogged pores are what’s causing blackheads. The block dot inside the blackhead is deeply rooted. Pore strips cannot adequately clean out deep-rooted pores. If you want to correctly cleanse normal to oily skin, use skincare products with an alpha hydroxy acid. We recommend AlphaRet Clearing Serum from skinbetter science.


Exfoliating your skin is essential, of course, but only to a degree. If you overdo facial scrubs and go wild with facial cleansers, you can actually scratch your skin. It’s important to stick to exfoliating ingredients that aren’t harsh, like glycolic acid. The skin needs products that accelerate its natural process of peeling. If you harshly scrape the surface of your skin with beads and nut particles, you’re only hurting the layers.

Expired Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a vital part of your daily skin regimen. This doesn’t mean grabbing an old tube of sunscreen and slathering it on your skin. If the sunscreen is expired, it won’t work optimally to help shade your skin from harmful rays. Some sunscreens can last up to three years when stored properly. We have some excellent medical grade selections in our EltaMD sunscreen selections. We advise against using any expired skincare products.

Contact Youthful Infusion Med Spa Today

Youthful Infusion Med Spa customizes skincare solutions to fit your skin type. Using our skincare product recommendations will ensure a positive change in your skincare routine. We only want the best for your glowing skin. We offer monthly specials, so check out what’s going on this month in our promotions. We are conveniently located in Watters Creek Village shopping center in Allen, TX. We’re excited to get to know you!  Contact us today to schedule an appointment!!!

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