What Are Age Spots and How Do I Treat Them?

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If you’ve noticed light spots on your body, they may be harmless age spots. These flat brown or gray spots on your skin are usually on the most sun-exposed areas of your skin. While some people call them liver spots, age spots aren’t cancerous. Youthful Infusion Med Spa can help treat your age spots in Allen, TX. Reach out to us to learn more about age spot treatment.

Causes of Age Spots

Age spots typically occur to an excess of pigment in an area. There is no exact cause of age spots. You may notice age spots on your face, backs of the hands, shoulders, upper back, and forearms. You are at higher risk of age spots if you are over 40 years of age, have fair skin, and get a large amount of sun exposure.

Age Spot Treatments

We use many different types of treatments for age spots. Some of the most effective medical spa treatments for age spots include the following:

  • Chemical Peels – Chemical peels remove the exterior layer of your skin to allow new skin to grow. A chemical peel gives you fresh and glowing skin.
  • Laser Treatment – We use innovative laser treatments to remove age spots. We can help you choose the best laser treatment for your skin.
  • Microdermabrasion – Microdermabrasion smooths away your outer layer of skin. Many of our patients love microdermabrasion treatments because they offer little to no recovery time.

How Do I Know if My Age Spots Are Cancerous?

Age spots are usually harmless, but it’s essential to get them checked if they have any signs of skin cancer. We advise reaching out to a medical professional if you notice any of the following problems with your spots:

  • Black appearance
  • Unusual combination of colors
  • Irregular edges or borders
  • Bleeding

Age Spot Prevention

Our medical spa team will work with you to help treat and prevent age spots. We offer top-of-the-line skincare products that can help you fight age spots. Some other tips we recommend include:

  • Avoid direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Always wear sunscreen with an SPF rating of atleast 30 with UVA and UVB protection.
  • Wear protective clothing in sunlight.

Contact Youthful Infusion Med Spa

Youthful Infusion Med Spa will find the best treatment for your age spots. We understand the hassle of finding a new spot that pops up on your body. We can help your skin look and feel young again. Our customized skincare treatments ensure your confidence is boosted. We offer monthly specials. We invite you to visit our medical spa that is located in the Watters Creek Village shopping center in Allen, TX. Contact us today at (972) 908-2772 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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Monday-Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 5pm

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